How to Start your Fitness Journey | 5 Effective Ways

How many times have you looked at a model or celebrity and wished to achieve that perfect figure? We have all at one point got a spurt of motivation to start exercising and have impulsively taken a gym membership or bought expensive gym gear in the hope of losing weight. But that motivation remained so – a spur of the moment that died as quickly as it came resulting in that Reebok shoes gathering dust on the rack and the membership card guilt tripping you each time you see it. The desire though remains as strong as ever. If only there was a way to attain that physique simply by wishing it. Alas! there is not. Fitness is a journey that requires a lot of hard work, effort and consistency. But do not despair because I am here to give you just 5 ways to get started on this journey and not quit mid-way.

The fact that you are reading this means that you have the will to work out and that’s all the pre-requisite we need here.

1. Choose a form of exercise:

First, choose a style of workout that you like and/or have access to. It could be walking, running, intensive sport like Squash or Football, yoga, pilates, Zumba, cycling, the options are many. Doing an exercise that you enjoy would make this road to fitness less daunting.

2. DO NOT set a goal:

Yes, you read that right. We often quit halfway because we think we are not reaching our goals fast enough. If you set a target of losing/gaining X Kgs in N months, you are setting up for failure as these are unrealistic expectations. Also, if you reach the deadline but not your goal it will only discourage you. Fitness is not a destination; it is a journey that you need to continue even after you achieve your body goals to maintain it. So, don’t set any expectations, only focus on doing your chosen exercise consistently.

3. Incorporate it in your daily schedule:

This is the most challenging task of all and one of the things I struggled with myself. Going out of your way to exercise is going to make it easy to find excuses to not follow it through. If you are used to waking up at 8 AM, do not schedule your workout at 7 because I can tell you right now it won’t happen. There will always be a reason – “couldn’t wake up early” or “my alarm didn’t go”. Instead, squeeze it at a time in your existing schedule which you just can’t miss.

Here’s how I found that sweet spot – I prefer to get my exercise done in the morning before I begin my work because later in the day I’m bound to get stuck in a meeting or pressing issue in the office. I found an affordable gym near my workplace. Now, I leave from home at the same time as before but instead of going to office I first stop at the gym. Also, I leave in my active wear which makes it hard for me to change my mind en route.

Another way to seamlessly incorporate this in your routine is to swap it for a lower priority chore like watching Netflix or doing laundry. The idea here is to find the holy trinity of time, place and workout style that is just too hard to bail out of. Having said that do not excuse yourself by saying that you just don’t have the time. Comment down below and let’s see if we can find the perfect schedule.

4. Track your journey:

I find this to be a good motivator. I use the health app on my phone to mark all the days I worked out on and love seeing that I am on a streak. There are many fitness apps that will help you keep track and even reward badges as you complete milestones. In the beginning as you are trying to find the rhythm and adjusting to this new schedule there may be days that you miss but always make sure to not go more than 3 days without a workout. Do a quick one if you have time crunch but do it nonetheless.

5. Follow people on Social Media:

Social Media can be a great place to find motivation especially Pinterest & Instagram. Follow influencers or fitness pages that put up inspiring content daily. Turn on their post notifications so you can see your #BodyGoals and stay motivated. Here are a couple that I recommend –

Remember no one got where they are today in their fitness journey overnight. It takes consistency and a lot of effort. Once you are attuned to this, trust me it will be addictive. Set fitness as your goal, not weight loss. Love and accept your body the way it is but aspire to be the best version of yourself.

Follow these steps and do let me know in the comments below how you are getting along.

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